A Real Estate Agent Walks Into a Bar?Top 10 Real Estate Jokes from the Web

While our team of experts here at Agent, inc. take all your real estate needs seriously, it doesn?t mean we don?t have a sense of humor. Real estate transactions can be complicated and stressful for even the most experienced buyers and sellers. That?s why it?s good to take a step back now and again to put it all in perspective and have a good laugh. So we?ve compiled a list of our favorite real estate jokes from the web for those times you need a break. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

#10 ? The danger of a job well done:

My real estate agent did such a great job describing my house in the listing that I?ve decided to keep it.

tramite GIPHY

#9 ? The perils of real estate investing:

Di quanti insetti hai bisogno per guadagnare con la tua proprietà in affitto?


tramite GIPHY

#8 ? The truth about man caves:

My most lucrative listings are the ones with finished basements. They?re my best cellars!

tramite GIPHY

#7 ? Tell me where it hurts:

Perché la casa ha fissato un appuntamento con il medico?

Aveva un vetro della finestra.

tramite GIPHY

#6 ? Knowledge is power:

?Meh, that real estate agent doesn?t look so strong. I bet I can take him in a fight!?

?Are you kidding? That guy says he flips houses in his spare time!?

tramite GIPHY

#5 ? Always express your gratitude:

Di cosa devono essere grati gli agenti immobiliari?


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#4 ? Buyer beware:

I was offered the chance to purchase some real estate in Egypt?s Valley of the Kings.

Si è rivelato essere uno schema piramidale.

tramite GIPHY

#3 ? Working undercover

Come si chiama un agente immobiliare che fa la spia come detective?

Sherlock Homes.

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#2 ? Is there a pill for that?

Cosa provi ogni mese quando scade il mutuo?


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#1 ? And finally, some words of advice from the one and only Mark Twain:

?Buy land, they?re not making it anymore.?

tramite GIPHY


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