Did Your Credit Take a Hit in 2020? Here?s How to Bounce Back

Did your credit take a hit in 2020 because of the coronavirus? Millions of Americans have filed for unemployment and many are finding it tough to stay on top of their monthly payments. Sadly, missing your payments can have a serious effect on your credit. This can cause problems down the line when you?re ready to buy a home. If bad credit has you losing sleep at night, then read on about how to bounce back.


Don?t just worry about whether or not your credit has been affected. Get a 免费的信用报告副本 and find out. Your report will detail what is impacting your score. While we agree it?s no fun to see what the problems are, it?s only by acknowledging them that you can strategize how to fix them. 


Don?t make the problem worse by obtaining more credit to fill the holes. This is only a temporary fix that can hurt you in the long run. Your 信贷利用率 是决定您的信用分数的因素之一。这是相对于可用的周转信用额而言,您正在使用的信用额度。信用使用率越低越好。唯一的例外是,如果您想申请 债务合并贷款。这种类型的贷款将帮助您合并,还清和偿还现有债务。


决定您的信用评分的另一个主要因素是 支付历史。一笔逾期付款最多可以保留七年。如果可能,请准时付款。如果您记不起要付款,请设置自动付款。设法消除一些支出,例如外出就餐或支付大笔汽车费用,以减少支出。

Don?t close accounts

Once you?ve paid off an account, don?t close it. Your 信用记录 也是决定分数的重要因素。但是,您必须保持这些帐户处于活动状态。偶尔使用信用卡进行小额购物,并每月全额付清账单。


Because of the global pandemic, many lenders are offering various relief plans. You should contact your lender to find out what?s available. They may have deferment plans that allow you to miss payments without being reported to the credit agencies. You can also ask your lenders for lower interest rates. Many are willing to work with consumers during these trying times. Although you aren?t guaranteed a lower rate, it definitely doesn?t hurt to ask.


Finally, having an expert on your side can help you navigate the process of credit repair. Whether you?re trying to plan for a future home purchase or simply want to get back on track, contact the experts at 代理公司 要么 代理商信用修复949-791-8160 要么 [email protected]。我们的代表将随时回答您的所有问题。让我们来帮助您向新的世界敞开大门!
