Making an Offer a Seller Can?t Refuse

Buyers continue to flock to the real estate market, and there?s no sign that this will change in the near future. If you?re one of them, then you may be worried about being outbid on the home you love. It can be incredibly disappointing to make an offer on the perfect home only to have the seller choose another buyer. In order to avoid this outcome, you need to make an offer that a seller simply can?t refuse. Here?s how to set yourself up for success.


First things first — you must be 预先批准抵押 before you make an offer on a house. In a competitive market where a seller may get multiple offers on a home, your offer will not get a second glance if you aren?t pre-approved. When you get a pre-approval letter, you?re signaling to the seller that you?re a serious buyer.




A seller is going to be looking for the deal that offers the best return on their investment with the least amount of hassle. If your offer is too complicated, then it may get passed over for an offer that is easier to close. While it?s common for real estate contracts to contain 突发事件, you may want to limit the number of them. For example, don?t get bogged down in details about minor repairs or whether or not all the appliances will come with the house.


提供报价时,您可能需要添加一个 升级条款. This is basically a clause that stipulates you are willing to increase your offer by a certain amount if you?re outbid. If you?ve found the perfect home, then this may be one way of keeping yourself in the game as long as possible.


When you submit your contract, you?ll include an 保证金存款。这通常是购买价格的百分之一到百分之三,当您在家中关闭时,这将应用于您的预付款。为了使您的报价脱颖而出,请考虑增加一笔定金。它可以使交易变得更加甜蜜,可以选择您的报价。


最后,提供您自己支付 交易费用。对于大多数房屋销售,卖方承担了大部分(如果不是全部)交易费用,例如费用和佣金。如果您愿意支付这些费用中的一部分,那足以使您进入收盘价。

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